












Atlas ONE PODZIM 2024


Step 2/2

Select your future squad...

Changes by match management are reserved for good progress of match
Accordind to rule 6.6.2 is paticipation in pre-match allowed only to match staff and sponsors.
Range Officers, please contact RM and register yourself by menu on the left side

Selected squad: # 0
Surname:First name:
IPSC Region: e-mail:
ICS Alias:
Division: Factor:

Registration without payment is valid only for 10 days. It is not valid for the organizers and RO.
After this deadline, your registration will be automaticaly canceled !
If you enter am invalid email address, you will not be informed of any changes.

Before sending registration please confirm your acceptance with registration rules and processing of personal data:
first click here ==>
Rules of registration for SCA Piešťany matches:
By registering in the competitions organized by the Atlas Piešťany Shooting Club, you agree to the above rules. 1. The entry fee is non-refundable. It is possible to transfer them to another shooter, but not less than 3 days before the start of the race (first day of prematch). 2. In case of force majeure (floods, earthquakes, epidemics, pandemics, etc.) and an unsatisfactory replacement date, competitors are entitled to a refund of the entry fee in the amount corresponding to the amount of their entry fee under the contractual relationship used to meet the organizers' obligations to avoid to unjustifiably enrich the organizers. 3. Participation in the race is guaranteed by timely payment, if the shooter does not pay within the given deadline, participation in the race may not be allowed due to full capacity. 4. If you request a notarized invitation, you will pay the cost of issuing the invitation during registration. 5. Please read carefully the conditions and laws on short-term import and export of weapons in Slovakia and the territory of the European Union. 6. A shooter for a matches level 2 or higher must be a member of the IPSC and his RD will allow him / her to participate in the race. 7. Match Director reserves the right to make any changes if necessary. (such as changes in the squad, change of date, time schedule, etc.). 8. The shooter is obliged to participate in the match by patching targets and lifting metal equipment. Failure to do so may result in immediate disqualification from the match without compensation under Rule 10.6. according to official IPSC rules. 9. Registration without payment is valid only for 7 days. It is not valid for the organizers and RO. After this deadline, your registration will be automaticaly canceled !
If you enter am invalid email address, you will not be informed of any changes.
I declare that I start at my own risk and will follow the instructions of the organizers and I agree with the use of the above personal data by the organizer. I agree to the processing of the above personal data to the organizer.
Personal data will be processed to identify participants in the organization of the race, to evaluate its results, to inform the results and to inform the organizer of other events.
Processing will take place for 5 years after the organizer has given its approval.
I acknowledge that I have the right to revoke the processing of personal data at any time, for example by sending an e-mail or letter to the organizer. At the same time, I acknowledge that the revocation of consent does not affect the processing of personal data that took place before this appeal.
now click here ==>

© Sedina Jiri 2010 & Jan JUMBO Staněk 2020